Megan Doherty-Smith

Megan Doherty is a secondary teacher with the Durham Catholic District School Board. She teaches English and history and especially loves teaching the Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity course. Megan loves learning alongside her students as well collaborating with other educators to find exciting opportunities to engage students in meaningful ways in the classroom.

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"Know Thy Selfie"- A Modern Take on Identity

Posted by Megan Doherty-Smith on February 17, 2017

“Kim Kardashian published a book of them, Russia banned them, and at the Oscars last year Ellen took the most liked one of all time: Selfies.  And love them or hate them, there’s no denying the impact their proliferation has had on modern society.”  When I came across this statement in a magazine (Elle: Selfie Culture and Female Identity), I for the first time, appreciated the value of a ‘Selfie.’ Indeed, a Selfie can shed light on attitudes, values, allegiances, cultures, and pursuits – and all of this in a tiny, square screen.

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Topics: Identity, CHG, CHC


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