iWitness Webinar and Class Contest!

Posted by Jasmine Wong on May 2, 2013

IWitness Archive Gives Voice to Holocaust Witnesses: Free Webinars and Student Contest

Facing History Offers IWitness Webinars for Teachers May 9 and May 14 2013
In May 2013, Facing History will offer two free webinars for educators on powerful ways to use the IWitness tool.

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Topics: Events, History, Innovative Classrooms, Media Skills, Holocaust Education, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanities Course

A “Testament “ to Speaking Out

Posted by Robert Flosman on April 8, 2013

As my students build their journals, ideas of injustice and intolerance flood their pages. Yet this month, the pens are down and students of Genocide are standing up and speaking out. Mathew Jones A.K.A “TESTAMENT” provided Waterdown students with the tools and the inspiration to put their thoughts into Spoken Word Art.

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Topics: Art, Events, Innovative Classrooms, Memorial, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanities Course, Personal history


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